What do I do with my Wagyu?

“How do I eat Wagyu beef?” and “How do I cook Wagyu beef?” are the two questions our customers always ask us.

Unlike commercial beef, you don’t have to marinade Wagyu beef for hours before cooking it. The buttery tenderness and juiciness of Wagyu beef are at their best with minimal seasoning. So if you’ve already bought your Wagyu beef and are now wondering what to do with it, here are a couple of guides on cooking Wagyu steaks.

Halal Wagyu beef for Sukiyaki


The Easiest Method

how to cook wagyu

1. Do not cook cold steak

Take your Wagyu steak out of the fridge and let it rest on the kitchen counter until the whole meat is at room temperature (this might take an hour). If it is still cold inside, the inside might not cook properly, or you might overcook the meat.

how to cook wagyu

2. Do not marinate with salt & pepper

Salt might absorb some of the Wagyu beef juices and flavour. Grinding pepper on the steak might result in it getting burnt during the cooking process.

how to cook wagyu

3. Heat frying pan

Heat your frying pan with high heat before reducing the flames or setting to medium low heat.

how to cook wagyu

4. Cook Wagyu steak

Brown the four edges of the steak first before frying the sides. Then brown the flat side of the steak until it has a golden brown crust. While the bottom side is browning, sprinkle some salt on the side facing up. Once the bottom side has turned golden brown, flip it over while being careful not to press down on the meat.

how to cook wagyu

5. Rest Wagyu steak

Once you have browned both sides of the steak, remove it from the frying pan and wrap it in aluminum foil. Do not cut the steak right away because the meat juices will leak out. This is an important step when cooking steaks.

how to cook wagyu

6. Warm up Wagyu steak

After letting the steak rest for 5 minutes, remove the aluminum foil. Return the meat to the frying pan at low heat to warm it up. Serve and enjoy your Wagyu steak!

Japan Wagyu KL


Low Temperature Method

how to cook wagyu

1. Do not cook cold steak

Take your Wagyu steak out of the fridge and let it rest on the kitchen counter until the whole meat is at room temperature (this might take an hour). If it is still cold inside, the inside might not cook properly, or you might overcook the meat.

how to cook wagyu

2. Do not marinate with salt & pepper

Salt might absorb some of the Wagyu beef juices and flavour. Grinding pepper on the steak might result in it getting burnt during the cooking process.

how to cook wagyu

3. Heat frying pan

Heat your frying pan with low heat.

how to cook wagyu

4. Warm Wagyu steak

Once the frying pan is hot, place your steak in it. The point is not to sear the steak, but to warm it up. Keep the stove on low heat the whole time. Once the bottom side has turned a light brown (not golden brown or crusty), flip it over and warm up the other side of the steak with the same low heat.

how to cook wagyu

5. Rest Wagyu steak

Remove your steak from the frying pan and wrap it in aluminum foil. Let it rest for 5 minutes.

how to cook wagyu

6. Finish with searing steak

Turn up the stove to medium heat. Remove the aluminum foil from the steak and return it to the frying pan. Cook both sides until they turn golden brown. Serve and enjoy your Wagyu steak!

Need any help?

Got a question about our Wagyu beef? We’re always happy to hear from our customers! Visit our online store or contact us directly for the latest stock and promotion!